National HMO Lobby


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Students & Community

National HMO Lobby



What Communities Want
Dr Richard Tyler
Co-ordinator, National HMO Lobby
Presentation to NUS Forum Students and the Community London, 2 March 2007

1. What Communities Want

Q What do communities want?

A They want what all social or biological organisations want – to sustain themselves!

Ref: Richard Tyler, ‘Comprehending Community’ in S Herbrechter & M Higgins, eds, Returning to Communities, Amsterdam, 2006

2. Students and Communities: Two Models

# Students in the Community = no problems

# Studentification (students in stead of the community) = many problems, and deep

Ø The Tipping-Point? 20% population

Ref: National HMO Lobby, Balanced Communities

3. Studentification: Definition

# Studentification: “The substitution of a local community by a student community.”
(students move in)

But also problematic are -
# De- Studentification (students move out)
# Internal Migration (students move about)

Ref: National HMO Lobby, Studentification

4. Studentification: Problems - Structural

For example, Headingley Ward (Leeds) -
# Population: most unbalanced (only 7% children, 8 % elderly - normally 20% each)

# Polarisation: most one-sided (60% are young adults/seasonal/transient)

# Participation: least engaged (18% local election turnout, half city average 36%)

5. Studentification: Problems - Functional

For example, Headingley Ward (Leeds) -
# Social: worst domestic burglary hotspot (bigger than the other five together)

# Environmental: worst recycling rate (8%, against 24% city average)

# Economic: most regulated (Area of Housing Mix, HMO Licensing, Direction on Letting Boards, Flyer Control Zone, Cumulative Impact Policy (alcohol licences), Designated Public Places Order (public drinking); and pending, CIP (take-away licences), Additional HMO Licensing)

Ref: National HMO Lobby, Symptoms of Studentification

6. Studentification: Problems - Affective

# Numbers: exclusion (public marginalisation, private isolation)

# Functions: alienation (social, environmental, economic: see previous)

# Structures: disempowerment

7. Studentification: Solutions - Principles

# Partnership - all stakeholders (LAs, CAs, HEIs, SUs, PRS – and HMG)

# Cause and Effect - structural causes, as well as symptoms

# Local and National - local action, and national empowerment

Ref: National HMO Lobby, Ten Point Plan

8. Studentification: Solutions - Actions

# Co-ordination: Accommodation Audit, Action Forum, Action Plan

# Housing: HMO Licensing (including Additional HMO Licensing), local Housing Strategy

# Planning: Areas of Restraint, Thresholds, Purpose-Built Development; lobby on Use Classes Order

9. Studentification: Solutions - Agencies

# Community Associations: building capacity, campaigning, even intervening

# Student Unions: engagement, local leadership, local lobbying, national lobbying

# Other Partners - HEIs: engagement, intervention
LAs: leadership, intervention
PRS: engagement, intervention
HMG: empowerment

10. Studentification: Difficulties

# Volatility: extreme mobility of student populations

# Different Agendas: short-term or long-term?

# The Groundhog Effect: changing population, changing leadership

A version of this paper was also presented as 'Students in the Community: Studentification' to the Annual Conference of ASRA (Association for Residential Student Accommodation), Swansea, 3 April 2007, and again to the South East Regional Meeting of ASRA in Grenwich, 7 June 2007; the synopsis read: " ‘Students in the Community’ and ‘Studentification’ are in fact two alternative models of the relation between students and communities. The former is not problematic, but the latter is deeply problematic, especially for the communities concerned. The problems take a variety of forms, both structural (demograpgic) and functional (social, environmental, economic), as well as impacting on the overall well-being of residents. Solutions are available. They depend on key principles (of co-ordination). They entail joined-up management, housing measures, and planning policies. And they depend on pro-active engagement by key stakeholders (including HEIs)."


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